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Should I go to University? Questions to ask

There’s nothing like the feeling of finishing your final exams at A-Level. But as the excitement subsides, you have to start thinking about what to do next! For many, University is a logical step to get the qualifications needed for work life.  

However, University isn’t for everyone. Split between whether you should go to University or work? Check out some of the questions you should be asking before making this big step. 

  • What is your end goal? 
  • What are the alternatives to University? 
  • Do you want to keep studying? 
  • Have you considered the cost? 
  • Are you aware of the advantages of attending University? 

What is your end goal? 

It’s a big question, but do you know what you want out of life? Most students don’t know what they are having for dinner later let alone what job they want fresh out of college. However, this is a great time to start thinking about it.  

A lot of students go to University because they really enjoy a subject, and want to see where it will take them. If you have an idea of what your dream job is, will University help you get there? If your dream job doesn’t involve picking up a degree, it might not be necessary to spend three years at University. Whatever decision you make, ensure you have some idea of what your end goal is! 

What are the alternatives to University?  

If you don’t plan on going to University, what to do instead? Needless to say, you need to have a back-up plan if you don’t intend to go to uni. Starting an apprenticeship is a great way of getting a future career without going to uni, and can get you into fields like engineering, construction and education.  

Another popular alternative is taking a gap year, which can help you get useful experience before you enter the world of work! 

Do you want to keep studying? 

Be honest with yourself. If you really didn’t enjoy school or college, more studying might not be for you. Cranking out a dissertation at University level is about as tough as it gets. Don’t go to University if you aren’t prepared to be challenged. However, if you did really enjoy learning about a subject, University is the place to let your brain develop! 

Are you aware of the advantages of attending University? 

The main thing you get from University is a degree that will make it easier for you to apply for the jobs you want. But that is only a fraction of the reasons why you should go to University.  

Moving away from home to study? University gives you vital skills that will help you prepare for a more independent life – you can pick up cooking, learn how to budget, and how to maintain a home! University also prepares you for life by building your confidence in meeting new people, helping to forge some of the most important friendships of your life! 

Have you considered the cost? 

Paying for University is about far more than repaying your student loans. If you are going away for University, you also have to be prepared for the cost of living in your city, from nightlife to entertainment and food!  

Some students have parents who can ease the financial burden of University, but you may have to get a part-time job to sustain a fun uni lifestyle. While you don’t have to immediately pay your student loans back, you should also account for how much this may impact your working salary. 

Want to enjoy the thrills of uni life without being strapped for cash? Every Student has a range of affordable student rooms to help you enjoy University without breaking the bank on accommodation! 

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