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Exam study tips for university students

The dreaded time is almost here. Your uni exam timetable comes in, and panic spreads through your body. No-one really enjoys exams, but knowing a few revision techniques at uni will make you feel much more at ease during exam season. For a rundown of how to revise for exams, read on for some of the best revision techniques for hopeless students.

1.) Use an exam revision timetable

Not very fun, but hugely important, you simply cannot live without a revision timetable. The best way to revise for exams is to have a solid plan. This will keep you on track, and help you stop procrastinating – the guilt of missing a scheduled study sesh is surprisingly powerful. You don’t want to be left figuring out how to revise the night before your exam.

2.) Post-its are your friend

Surrounding yourself with post-it notes is one of the best revision techniques for memorising difficult facts or statistics, as well as adding colour to your study space. If you are struggling to remember something, putting a post-it on your fridge – right next to the milk – will help information stick in your brain.

3.) Give tough topics extra love

Finding it hard to get to grips with a specific topic? Make sure that your university revision plan gives you enough extra time to crack it. Until you can feel confident writing about it, keep plugging away.

4.) Test yourself

Practice makes perfect. The only way to know how you will perform in exam conditions is to test yourself as much as you can. As well as using your family to ask you cue card questions, crack open a past paper and pester your uni professor for feedback.

5.) Use your library!

A noisy family house or student hall might not be the ideal revision environment. For best results, get down to your uni library and claim a space while you can. The tense, quiet space of a library motivates you to put your head in a book like nothing else.

6.) Write what you know without using notes

You won’t have the aid of your trusty textbook in the exam room, so you need to prepare for life without it. Practice writing out what you know in your notebook – if you end up only writing 2 or 3 lines, revise harder.

7.) Give yourself a break

‘All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy’ was probably first written to describe exam revision. Having exam stress is natural, but giving yourself a study break now and then is super helpful for taking the pressure off. Be nice to yourself and don’t let your head explode.

Exam season might feel overwhelming, but a room with Every Student will make your life a lot easier. With free fast WIFI and a spacious study area, you should have everything you need to get your head in the game. Just try not to cram all of your revision the night before.

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