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What Can I Do For Valentine’s Day On A Budget?

On average, people in the UK spend around £35 on Valentine’s Day – most definitely over the amount the average student budgets for each day.

Whether you’re spending the day of love with your significant other or your best friends, it’s important to remember that you don’t need to go over your budget to make it fun. In fact, the more money you save on the date, the more unique it can be!

Here are just some ideas to get you thinking:

Bake something tasty

You don’t have to be amazing in the kitchen to grab a box of cupcake mix from the nearest supermarket and get baking. But if you do know a thing or two, why not choose your favourite from the BBC Good Food baking recipe ideas? Think; rich chocolate cupcakes, boozy fudge, or Paris-inspired choux buns. Either way, you and your date are sure to have hours of fun cooking up something sweet – and make some cute memories while you’re at it.

Dine in for two

The most classic date – dinner for two – can get pretty pricey on the most romantic day of the year, not to mention how far in advance you need to get booked into a restaurant. The solution? Supermarkets dine in for two deals have become a Valentine’s Day staple since lockdown in 2021 forced couples to stay in or even have dates over Zoom. M&S, Tesco, Asda, and Morrison’s are just some of the supermarkets with their own deals, ranging in price from £10 to £20. Most come with a starter, main, side and a drink so you don’t have to worry about any of it – except of course putting it in the oven and setting the table.

Outdoor activities

What’s more romantic than a stroll along the beach, picking up some fish and chips along the way while watching the sunset over the sea? Or you could walk around the city taking photos of each other to make a scrapbook or, find an art gallery or museum to visit for free. If you’re feeling a little more outdoorsy, you could take a bus to the countryside armed with a picnic and go on a hike – that’ll get your hearts racing!

Games night

Have a stack of board games that you never have time to play in between revision and assignments? Use Valentine’s Day as an opportunity to have a fun-filled night of scrabble with your partner or your friends. More into video games? Load up your Nintendo Switch or Xbox and have a game or two of Mario Kart. Having a game night can be a great way to catch up and unwind from your busy schedules and take some time to do something fun together!

Whatever you decide to do, remember that spending quality time with the people that you love is more than enough. Save your money, and make sure to just enjoy yourself – that’s all that matters.

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