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New Year’s Resolution Ideas For University Students

Last year may have been one to forget, but that’s the perfect excuse to start the New Year in style. Why not start the New Year with some new goals? No one is in need of good New Year resolutions quite like students, who have to deal with studying, maintaining a social life, and the responsibility of independent living.

Wondering how to make good New Year’s resolutions? Look no further than our handy list of New Year goals for students.

New Year’s Resolution List:

  • Pick up a new skill
  • Get more organised
  • Be more involved outside of class
  • Stop procrastinating
  • Be smarter with your money
  • Improve your grades

Pick up a new skill

Is there a language you were always curious about, or a sport you never got a chance to dabble in? Now is the time to learn. Give yourself a nice distraction from your studies by learning something new outside of your course. From watching an insightful documentary to reading a biography about an interesting figure, there’s no such thing as too much knowledge!

Get more organised

You can never be too organised. As a student, it can be difficult to keep on top of everything in your life, from study life to social life. The New Year is the best time to address that. Invest in a diary or wall planner to make sure you never waste a second of your time. Keep organised and your life will never have been easier.

Be more involved outside of class

Get more outside of your classes in the New Year. University is about so much more than attending classes and going to lectures. Get the most out of your experience by joining useful societies, volunteering, or getting useful work experience. As well as encouraging you to come out of your shell, your extra-curricular activity will look impressive on your CV!

Stop procrastinating

Putting an end to procrastination is easier said than done. First, identify why you keep procrastinating. Is it a distraction or a fear that you aren’t prepared for the task at hand? Remove any distractions when you need to be in the zone, and create a to-do list so you are ready to tackle any really difficult tasks.

Be smarter with your money

Money managing as a student is famously difficult. One day you could be flying on the back of a student night fuelled by cheap drinks – the next, eating baked beans on toast for breakfast lunch and dinner. The New Year could be the time to address your lack of financial planning. Download a money budgeting app and you can set a realistic goal for how much money you spend per month!

Improve your grades

Okay, so this is an obvious one. But reaching your target grades requires excellent planning and plenty of dedication. Whether it’s talking to your teacher about how you can improve, putting some extra hours in at home, or learning how to take better notes, use your time over the New Year to develop an action plan!

Give social media a break

If you are someone who spends a lot of time on social media, use the New Year to kick this habit to the curb. Scrolling through social media apps can have a harmful effect on your mental health, but also reduces the amount of time you engage with friends and family. Disable your notifications, give yourself a screen-time limit, and replace late-night scrolling with late-night reading.

Want to start your New Year fresh and recharged? Every Student’s affordable accommodation spaces are the perfect place to start. Make your resolution ideas a reality with our comfy beds, friendly common rooms and inviting study spaces!

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