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How To Write A Good University Essay

The dreaded time creeps nearer. As essay deadlines start to hit you like a ton of bricks, the reality of University life settles in. Writing essays in University can be a challenging process, putting even the smartest minds to the test. Do you not possess a natural gift for University essay writing? Time to pick up some useful tips and tricks. 

Good ways to write an essay 

  • Plan it out 
  • Read up on your topic 
  • Understand the question 
  • Remove distractions 
  • Take breaks in between writing 
  • Get someone to read over your work 

Plan it out 

The key part of any essay for University students – make sure to plan well in advance! Map out all of your thoughts in advance, do your research, and writing the essay itself will come easy. Put time in to make sure you’re not scrambling to finish your essay in a short amount of time. Plan and schedule your essay preparation well, and you’ll save yourself a stressful late night in the library!  

Read up on your topic 

You might think you know your topic like the back of your hand. But reading widely about your essay question will help you discover different perspectives and arguments. You could find that you end up with a completely different outlook on your question! There’s nothing like a well-placed reference to show your University tutor that you know your stuff.  

Understand the question 

This might sound like obvious essay advice, but you can’t answer a question without understanding the question. Get to the heart of what the question is asking you. Then you can map out the bones of your argument. Rush into the essay without getting the question, and your chances of passing are low. 

Remove distractions 

Get into a proper flow. Craft a perfect study space for yourself that is away from any distractions. Put your phone away. Maybe even light a candle. The fewer distractions you have, the quicker you can get your essay written and handed in.  

Every Student’s lush student rooms come complete with a study area and plenty of storage, meaning you can make your dream study zone in no time. 

Take breaks in between writing 

If your planning pays off, you won’t have to cram all of your essay within the space of an hour. You probably want to get your essay out of the way, but give yourself some breaks in between writing. Once you’ve had a breath of fresh air and a bit of downtime, you can get back to your essay feeling fresh and energised.  

Get someone to read over your work 

In your eyes, your essay could be a masterpiece. But if you really want to guarantee a good essay, it always pays to get another pair of eyes. Whether it’s your family or someone at your University, someone else might be able to pick up on mistakes that you missed! 

Every Student’s affordable student rooms are the best place to knuckle down and write a perfect University essay. With a spacious study area and comfortable beds, there’s no better place to put your ideas on page. 

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