Student living. Made Simple.


How To Pack For University

Going to University is an exciting time. So exciting in fact, that keeping track of what to pack for Uni can be a bit of a nightmare. No-one wants to leave home only to discover that their laptop (or childhood toy, we won’t judge) has been left behind. With our University packing tips, you can make sure this never happens! 

University packing list: 

  • Laptop and chargers 
  • Toiletries 
  • Notebook and stationery 
  • Umbrella 
  • ID cards like a passport or driving licence 
  • Coat hangars 
  • Towels 
  • Duvet and pillows 
  • Different clothes for different seasons 

Plan well in advance 

Whatever you do, don’t leave your packing to the last minute. You will hate yourself when your hurried packing makes you forget something crucial. Want the best results? Break your packing down over the course of 2 weeks! This will ensure you have everything you need and gives you extra time to cop some last-minute supplies. 

Buy loads of stationary  

There are few things more thrilling than buying new stationary. Start your Uni years in style by giving your stationary supplies a complete overhaul. Go crazy with post-it notes, highlighters, and even furry pen toppers.  

Roll your clothes 

You don’t want to become known as the person with creases in their clothes. As well as giving you more space in your suitcase, rolling your clothes will make sure you don’t have to whip out an iron every time you go for a night out. 

Milk your parents while you can 

You won’t always have your parents to fall back on if you’re low on cash at Uni. Ahead of your move, it can’t hurt to make a few cheeky requests. Why not ask for some freezer-friendly meals and new kitchen utensils to help you start your first work in style? 

Travel light if you can 

Carrying the entire contents of your bedroom may seem like a good idea, but try and resist those temptations. Carrying everything back and forth in between terms could be painful, and chances are you won’t even put everything you bring to use. If you are thinking about what clothes to pack for uni, be wise and only pack clothes that are suitable for the season! 

Stock up on bin bags 

They might not be pleasing to the eye, but bin bags are a surprisingly durable way to lug your things around. Bin bags can carry a decent amount of weight and can squeeze into tight spaces. Just don’t trust them to hold your fragile items! 

Make your room your own 

Packing for uni isn’t just about preparing ahead of the move – it’s also about unpacking on the day your arrival! Your uni room might be the first impression that your flatmates and friends have of you. Keep things tidy, and decorate your room with posters, fairy lights, or anything you like! Bringing photos of your friends and family back home is a nice personal touch that will ensure your loved ones are never too far away! 

With Every Student’s affordable accommodation options, you can truly make your room your own. Unpack your stuff, personalise your space, and get ready for the joys of uni life! 

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