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How To Overcome Loneliness At University

Feeling lonely at university? Don’t panic. Whether you are moving home or simply changing environment, feeling lonely at uni is completely normal. The key is to address your feelings before they get worse. To find out what to do if you feel lonely at university, read on below.

1) Join a society

Joining a society is an active way to avoid isolation at uni. Hanging out with like-minded people will make you feel included, getting you to interact with people who share your passions. If you are into sport or anything that involves teamwork, even better! In this environment, it is incredibly easy to form new relationships.

2) Leave your room

Don’t close yourself off from your university community. Staying inside all day may put you in a slump where it is more difficult to venture out. Simply leaving your door open is a great way to start conversation with your flatmates. Get out and about, whether it’s a walk-through campus for fresh air or a quick trip to your local Tesco’s.

3) Exercise

Exercise is great for your mental health. A breath of fresh air can refresh your social battery, while helping your body release endorphins that make you feel more positive. Getting out and exercising will also encourage you to interact with people and the outside world.

4) Go to all your classes

Don’t miss out on any chance to hang out with other people. Going to classes will naturally lead you to converse with your peers and will ensure you get some much-needed social contact. Falling behind on your classes will only make your situation worse.

5) Take regular study breaks

Avoid burying your head in the books. Studying can be stressful, and it is easy to feel alone if you let your studies consume you. No-one should spend all their time studying. Take regular study breaks to interact with people. Go to communal spaces like your common room or student accommodation. Meet with other people, and you’ll soon find that everyone is going through the same thing.

6) Get a part-time job

Part time jobs are not only good for your bank account. They also encourage you to interact with work colleagues going through the same situation as you. Whether it’s bonding over mutual dislike of your boss, or an especially annoying customer, working a part-time job will help you forge new bonds and fight off feelings of loneliness. You also get to interact with customers! If you like that sort of thing…

7) Speak to a specialist

If feeling lonely at university starts to impact your health, speak to a uni counsellor asap! Most universities will have a student wellbeing service, giving you support to overcome issues like isolation. Get help before your feelings of isolation become a problem!

Every Student’s accommodation spaces are the perfect antidote to being lonely at university. With wide open common rooms and communal dining areas, your feelings of loneliness should be a thing of the past.

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