Student living. Made Simple.


How to beat the January blues at University 

After the highs of your Christmas and New Year celebrations, the return to uni in January can hit you like a ton of bricks. Not only do students need to deal with grey skies and cold weather – many also have to do it during January exam season! 

Wondering how you can beat the January blues at University? Here are some of the best ways to get through this difficult month: 

Don’t be too hard on yourself 

Because many people set their eyes on unrealistic New Years Resolutions, it’s not uncommon to feel a sense of failure when you don’t achieve them. However, it’s important to remember that it isn’t the end of the world – try and set your sights on smaller, more achievable goals to soften the blow. After all, no-one really completes their resolutions anyway! 

Eat a balanced diet 

The holiday season is a time of heavy meals, bucket loads of chocolate and often a lot of drinking. But now that you are back at uni, make it your priority to eat your greens and enjoy balanced meals. Put time and love into your meal preparation, and consult our easy student recipes for inspiration. 

Meet up with your friends 

After a long period spending time with family during the holidays, your return to uni might leave you feeling a bit low. However, this is what your uni friends are for! There’s nothing like a fun time with your friends to boost the spirits and turn January into a month of fun. While the weather might not be great for outdoor activity, you can still meet up for a coffee, hit the cinema or come together for a shared study session!  

Get some sunlight 

Okay, so January isn’t the best time to get some Vitamin D. But keeping yourself cooped up inside will only deepen your feeling of January blues. Access to natural light is known to help lift your energy and mood, so take advantage of daylight whenever you can, and make the effort to leave your home for a walk a few times a week. And if your search for sunlight goes hand in hand with some light exercise, even better! 

Plan a vacation 

Need a way to take your mind off the miserable weather of January? If you have the money, why not plan a holiday somewhere sunny for the holidays? As well as giving you a happy distraction and something to look forward to, booking a vacation in January also makes financial sense! 

Seek help if you need it! 

January can be a difficult time for many reasons, making it easy to feel down or isolated. However, don’t feel like you need to suffer in silence. Whether you reach out to a family member or a professional counselor, there are plenty of people who can talk you through your January blues! 

With comfortable beds and sociable common rooms, Every Student’s affordable student rooms are the perfect place to survive the January blues. With developments in Aberdeen and Southampton, start living your best uni life here. 

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