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How to get to sleep the night before an exam 

Getting a good night’s sleep before an important exam can feel like an extreme sport. Even the best-prepared students might find themselves up at night wondering ‘did I study enough?’ and ‘what if my mind goes blank in the first question?’.  

If you are someone who can’t sleep before an exam, it’s time to take immediate action. Check out our tips for sleeping before an exam, and you’ll be catching z’s in no time! 

Tips for sleeping before an exam: 

  • Clear your mind 
  • Take it easy on the caffeine 
  • Limit screen time before bed 
  • Read something 
  • Eat well and at the right time 
  • Make a comfortable sleeping space 
  • Exercise during the day 

Clear your mind 

It’s not as easy as it sounds, but a busy mind is the enemy of good sleep. Just remember, thinking about your exam all night won’t change anything that happens on the day! Find something else to occupy your brain, whether it’s a book, or even meditation or breathing exercises! 

Take it easy on the caffeine 

Drinking your bodyweight in Red Bulls might seem like a good idea at the time to stay alert during revision. But abusing teas, coffees and energy drinks before bed will make it much more difficult for your mind to rest. Cut down on how many you have, and stop drinking caffeine altogether before 4pm! 

Limit screen time before bed 

You might not be able to resist a quick social media scroll or Netflix show before a nervy exam, but your screens are not as friendly as you’d think. The blue light from your phone and laptop screen releases melatonin which serves to keep you more awake! To put your mind in a restful state, give yourself a 1 hour period where you don’t look at a screen before bed. 

Read something 

If you really can’t get to bed, there’s no use in spending hours forcing yourself. Reading a book is a more productive use of your time, and will help relax your brain by concentrating on something else. Tuck into a good book, rest your head on your pillow, and you’ll be asleep before you know it. 

Eat well and at the right time 

Following a good diet is a short-cut to a good night’s sleep. Eating foods like nuts, bananas and milk will make it much easier to fall asleep, as well as boosting your brain memory capacity – perfect for exams! At the same time, make sure that when you eat your meals it’s not too late. Make sure the right foods are in your body, and good sleep will follow. 

Make a comfortable sleeping space 

An uncluttered room is an uncluttered mind. Do everything to make your room the perfect haven for rest. Invest in some cozy pillows and furry blankets. Light a candle if you think it’ll help. Oh, and keep your laptop and study books far, far away! 

Exercise during the day 

Sitting still at a desk studying away will not be enough to tire out your body. Whether you go for a morning run or play some sports, exercising will help release stress, and set you on your way to a deep sleep. 

Worried about getting sleep before your exams? Every Student Living’s affordable student rooms come with a comfy bed and a dedicated study area, helping you keep your sleep cycle and your workload separate! 

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